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Passive House or Passivhaus - either way, we're Certified!

We are pleased to announce that Gregor Wight has passed the Passive House Certified Designer course and exam, accredited by the Passive House Institute.

Passive House, or Passivhaus, is a performance-based design standard for very low energy buildings, which can help create buildings which use around 90% less energy than standard UK buildings.

Passivhaus design seeks to eliminate the need for space heating and cooling and is based on the principle that reducing heating loss to a minimum is the most cost-effective and most robust way of achieving a low carbon building. Instead of complicated design and expensive bolt-on renewables, Passivhaus design relies on the 'fabric first' approach of maximising the use of super insulation and stringent airtightness and paying meticulous attention to the avoidance of thermal bridges. By combining this with passive solar gain and mechanical ventilation and heat recovery systems, Passivhaus design can create healthy and comfortable buildings that require minimal heating.

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